Who's @ Google I/O - spotlight on AJAX and Google Data APIs

APR 30, 2009
There are over 60 Google APIs across a wide range of products and technologies. The AJAX APIs include Google Search, Language, Maps, FriendConnect, and Visualization APIs. The team recently launched v2 of the AJAX APIs Playground, an app designed to show interactive code samples for some of our coolest Javascript APIs. The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web and are used by many products including YouTube, Calendar, Picasa Web Albums, and as of last week, Analytics.

Google I/O will feature many sessions covering the AJAX and Google Data APIs. Here are a few of the developers who'll be leading sessions and/or demoing at the Developer Sandbox:
Finally, a friendly reminder that early (discounted) registration for Google I/O ends this Friday, May 1. Visit code.google.com/io to sign up and learn more about sessions and demos that'll be in store this year.

*Follow us for the latest I/O updates: @googleio.

By Christine Tsai, Google Developer Products